Expert Health Unit Studies show that patients who receive palliative care achieve a much enhanced quality of life, not only in regard to the immediate relief of symptoms, but also in terms of increased engagement and gaining a greater sense of control regarding their healthcare decisions. Can improve [...]
Palliative Care vs. Hospice Care
hospiceadmin2019-01-07T14:07:44+00:00It’s fairly common to confuse palliative care with hospice care, especially in the non-medical community. There are similarities, yes, but there are also important differences. More rehabilitative in nature, palliative care is not end-of-life care. A patient under palliative care has not reached a stage where his or her [...]
Symptom Management
hospiceadmin2018-10-19T17:09:15+00:00Symptom management in palliative care works to provide care to seriously ill patients. Primary care and specialty physicians work with palliative care providers to effectively help the patient and their family manage the symptoms of illness, including helping them to cope with and understand the illness trajectory and navigate [...]
Wholistic Goals
hospiceadmin2018-10-23T21:15:05+00:00Palliative care is a medical specialty with the goal of relieving pain, managing symptoms, and reducing the stress caused by serious illness whatever the diagnosis or prognosis. Palliative care can be utilized at any point in an illness and can be provided at the same time as curative treatment. [...]